A short Metroidvania I made solo in a  week for the Beginner's Summer Jam 2024. My main goal was just to finish the game, and well, I did it. (mostly) So mission accomplished! :D It's also my first finished game, so I hope you like it!

The game is about breaking out of the boundaries of a game, then have to find your way back through the "Out of Bounds", a dark land full of dangerous beings and treacherous terrain.


A and D to move left and right

Space to Jump

Shift or Mouse1 to throw

W and S in combination with throwing will allow you to throw up and down

Escape to access the menu


Out of Bounds_v1.zip 3.4 MB

Install instructions

unzip and run the executable


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how did you make this in a week

like seriously how

Panic, sleep deprivation, and enough caffeine to stop a heart. It might sound like hell, but it was genuinely loads of fun.

(1 edit) (+2)

Holy cow, why is the game window so MASSIVE? Also, putting it in fullscreen mode (via the button in the lower right; the Fullscreen button in the options menu doesn't do anything) doesn't center the game properly.


Hm, made it to the credits, however right before the boss room, there is stilll n upgrade in the bottom left.
(not the one reachable in the same room but there is one left of that where you have to come from the left room. )
how do you get that? :O


In the upper left, there's a wall with a gray vertical line on it. Hit it with your thingamajig, and you'll be able to get it!


Fun up to the first boss, but when I died I could only reset the page as I was stuck on a black screen, and I don't want to sit through the long cutscenes again. If you could use space to auto-complete dialogue so you could mash through cutscenes it would make a big difference.

Hey, thanks for the feedback! When you died did you reach a gameover screen before it went black, or did it cut straight to black when you died?

Game over screen, where load changes to quit (so there are two quit options). I went to the same fight and lost twice, so I tested both buttons, and both went to a black screen.